Photography by E.W. Faircloth

Bridgeville DE

E.W. Faircloth Photography


Bridgeville DE

The original post for picture(s) done on 2015-04-23 by E.W. Faircloth can be found at


Tags: I see it this way! Heritage Shores Bridgville De E.W. Faircloth photography photographer terrorist ISIS explosion terror Weathermen Weathermen Underground Pentagon bomb bombings explosives chemisty college university

Many times on Wednesday nights while I'm waiting for my spouse, I hang out in a Barnes & Noble bookstore.  Usually, I read computer magazines and more often than not, Linux magazines.  My routine is a peanut butter cookie, decaf coffee, and free reading. My latest trip to the bookstore found me noticing a certain book when I passed it.  The title was "ISIS, The State of Terror" by Jessica Stern and J.M. Berger. It immediately caught my attention as I would like to read more about this group.  You can hear so many views, from they're a a barbaric and murderous bunch of sub-human scum to they're a creation of the CIA and Zionists organizations. I go to Barnes & Noble to read not buy books.  Once in a blue moon I'll purchase a magazine or book.  Next time I'll read some of the ISIS book.  I would never buy it. You can bet the house that anyone buying that book with a credit card would be added to some national security agency's list. Seem far fetched? Almost fifty years ago before being kicked out of Syracuse University, I was a chemistry major.  My grades went south and was immediately available to be drafted.  My Texas draft board didn't waste any time doing exactly that.  On my first leave to come home, my friend told me the FBI came around asking questions about me.  I had previously checked out a book from the library on pyrotechnics. Fifty years ago the FBI was looking at what people read in libraries and bookstores, especially if about bombs and explosions.  At the time, there was a domestic terror group called Weatherman, also known as Weathermen and later the Weather Underground Organization, an American militant organization.  It even set off a bomb in a Pentagon women's room in 1972.  No, I didn't want to make a bomb.  I just wanted to read about how easy it was to make explosives. Fast forward fifty years I'm sure the FBI would have access to Barnes & Noble's surveillance cameras and could go back months watching for anyone who when to cash register and purchased a book of interest to them.  So anyone who thinks paying cash would hide the purchase could be watching the video from a jail cell later:)