Photography by E.W. Faircloth

Bridgeville DE

E.W. Faircloth Photography


Bridgeville DE

The original post for picture(s) done on 2015-04-11 by E.W. Faircloth can be found at


Tags: I see it this way! Heritage Shores Bridgville De E.W. Faircloth photography photographer camera phone pocket camera Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZS20 belt

This is my latest piece titled "Self Portrait On Asphalt."  You can't get respect without calling your work  pieces of art and giving them dreamy  titles I have a love vs. hate relationship with my Panosonic Lumix DMC-ZS20 pocket camera. It remains on my belt most of the time. When in need of some serious photography,  the Lumix is set aside and my Nikon D7000 comes into play. The hate comes from the poor quality the Lumix has in low light situations. We're not talking dark rooms, but even on cloudy days my image quality goes south. The love comes from getting pictures which wouldn't be possible if I didn't keep the camera on my person most of the time.  Call me old-fashion but I believe a phone is for talking not taking pictures.  So, the last thing I think to use to take pictues is my phone.  I want a "real" camera and the Lumix is easy to carry at all times. Today was a love day for the Lumix.  Getting out of my truck, I noticed my own silhouette.  Having my fateful friend on my hip allowed me to get our self portraits.