Photography by E.W. Faircloth

Bridgeville DE

E.W. Faircloth Photography


Bridgeville DE

The original post for picture(s) done on 2012-07-04 by E.W. Faircloth can be found at


Tags: I see it this way! Heritage Shores Bridgville De E.W. Faircloth photography photographer computer router Netgear LinkSys electrical electronic computer repair

My router died after an electrical storm last week.  My Windows XP 64-bit computer with RAID drives didn't fare well, either.  Hopefully, I can get the Windows machine fixed.  I had to buy a new router and purchased something from Netgear.  I like the new router much better than the old.  Also, I spent $10 extra and got the lifetime warranty.  Next time my router dies, I'll call Netgear heaven for a replacement.