Photography by E.W. Faircloth

Bridgeville DE

E.W. Faircloth Photography


Bridgeville DE

The original post for picture(s) done on 2012-03-01 by E.W. Faircloth can be found at



Tags: I see it this way! fun game grandson grandfather sports grandchild Gabe baskeball dribbling

 Photography by Jon Falk  Yo, Post op and it is now February. Gabe has been out of the wheel chair since the middle of January. He is now free to walk in traffic inside his school. On Sunday we went to the sporting goods store to get a new air pump for the basketball. Once pumped, both Gabe and the ball, he demonstrated his ball handling and dribble moves, his favorite being the under the leg version. That would be under the left leg which is the one that required the surgical correction. Baseball tryouts are coming up and he's been cleared to go for it. This will be real Babe Ruth Little League so the team and the coaches will be challenged to take advantage of his many skills and advantages, being tall not being one of them. He's going to have to have the right leg orthopedically straightened (below the knee) we think in August. Same drill as those weeks when the left leg was corrected. Whew! They still have to take some screw and pin like hardware out of the left. Cheers. JF