Photography by E.W. Faircloth

Bridgeville DE

E.W. Faircloth Photography


Bridgeville DE

The original post for picture(s) done on 2010-03-31 by E.W. Faircloth can be found at




Tags: I see it this way! Heritage Shores Bridgville De E.W. Faircloth photography photographer war veterans veteran

A group of heritage Shores residents met today to form a military veterans group.  During this initial meeting, many ideas about activities the group could perform.  Here's the call to residents: --------- ------------------------------ ------------------ ---------- To Residents of the Bridgeville Heritage Shores Community who have served this nation in the past and have received an honorable discharge, whatever service. As you know our beloved country is at war in two locations and we are serving abroad in more than 100 countries. While in the service our motto was always, above all, “We take Care of Our Own”. There is a large and growing contingent of veterans and retirees in this community and there are tasks that need doing that are rightly ours to do. To this end there will be a meeting at our clubhouse on Wednesday March 31, 2010 at 10:00 AM to aid in the formation of a Heritage Shores military organization whose aims, goals, operational rules and service to our community will be as the group so decides. For example, currently in the city of Milford, near to us, there is a 45 year old former Marine with a wife and 4 children suffering from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), the 4th leading cause of death in America. Chuck needs a new pair of lungs. Many of our returning vets today are suffering from COPD and similar diseases due to the burn pits now being used in Iraq and Afghanistan. Chuck answered his country’s call and served and Marine’s never leave a fallen comrade. Will we do less? But we are not organized for this and similar activities where our experiences and good fortune can be of help. This meeting is for those interested in moving beyond reading and commenting about such activities and who seek to enjoy the comradery we once enjoyed in barracks and NCO/Officer Clubs around the world. Read the attached flier as it also includes some other ideas and suggestions. If you have any questions contact John Barr at 302-337-7775 ( or Tazz Tassone at 302-337-3299 (