Bridgeville DE
Bridgeville DE
The original post for picture(s) done on 2010-03-29 by E.W. Faircloth can be found at
Tags: I see it this way! Heritage Shores Bridgville De E.W. Faircloth photography photographer golf water pool fun golf course golf clubs fitness exercise
This former Heritage Shores lifeguard should now be in Las Vegas, Nevada. He's out there with another former H.S. lifeguard, Kenneth. These lifeguards have a lot of respect from me. They are contracted by their company to work in swimming pools around the country. Heritage Shore uses their company for our pool. I've met four of these guys at our pool in the last 2 to 3 years. Every last one of them have been hard working, honest, and appreciative folks. Most of them have ridden bicycles to work, even in the coldest, hottest, and wettest days of the year. The young man above and the remaining lifeguard were studying to get their G.E.D. in a town a few miles away. Hopefully, that study will continue. This youngster is under 25, athletic, and loves to play soccer. During the summer, you could see him kicking a soccer ball around just to keep in shape. He rode his bike to play soccer with some local Mexicans who also loved the game. Once he saw me on the driving range, and asked to hit a ball. Well, that ball went further than I had seen a golf ball fly. After that, it was another sport for him to enjoy. He bought a set of clubs at a yard sale or from one of the residents, I don't remember. Since he was taking a plane to his new job, the clubs were left here in Bridgeville for the remaining lifeguard. That guard and I are planning to hit the driving range as soon as possible.