Photography by E.W. Faircloth

Bridgeville DE

E.W. Faircloth Photography


Bridgeville DE

The original post for picture(s) done on 2009-10-28 by E.W. Faircloth can be found at

Photography by E.W. Faircloth

Tags: I see it this way! Heritage Shores Bridgville De E.W. Faircloth photography photographer grandmother child home computer parent Apple computer programming

It's time I started a new programming project.  Years ago I wrote a web application which acts as a searchable picture database.  In it, the most recent picture was of my grandson about 6 months ago.  The picture above of him was taken about a month ago.  I decided to put this up on my site.  Yeah, it's not a picture I  would show to my professional photographer buddies, but to "Grampawda" it's the cutest thing I've seen lately. My buddy Jon Falk would understand since he's been a grandfather many times, however. It is time consuming and detail-oriented to put a picture up on the site.  Time consuming and detail-oriented sounds like a computer task to me. All I have to do is write a program to do the following: 1.  Proportionally crop a given picture to 576 pixels maximum on any one side. Save the picture with a name like imgXXXX.jpg where XXXX is some number between 1000 and 9999. Put the picture in a folder call "high". 2. Proportionally crop the same picture to 192 x 132 pixels.  Save the picture with the same name as  above. Put the picture in a folder call "low". 3. Connect to my database and insert the picture located in "high" with the appropiate mysql command. 4. Connect to my database and insert the picture located in "low" with the appropiate mysql command. If all this sounds complicated, believe me, this is the simple version:)