Photography by E.W. Faircloth

Bridgeville DE

E.W. Faircloth Photography


Bridgeville DE

The original post for picture(s) done on 2009-04-13 by E.W. Faircloth can be found at

Photo by E.W. Faircloth

Tags: I see it this way!

There was a rumor going around last week that Allan Scott was no longer in the lawn service business taking care of residents in my community, Heritage Shores in Bridgeville DE. It's thought the rumor was to help another lawn service business establish roots and take some of Allan's business away. One of residents sent out an email squashing the misinformation. Here's what she said: Some uninformed person is spreading the rumor that Allan Scott, First Fruits Lawncare, is not in business.  This is NOT TRUE.  If you want the same excellent level of service you've been receiving and have heard this rumor - please disregard the persons misinformation.  You may contact Allan at 443-359-7168 if you have questions. Allan is a hardworking guy. I can remember last year when his wife was out there helping him because at the time he couldn't get any other reliable help. His prices beat all the more established companies in the area. I can see why some of us would be upset by that nasty little rumor.