Bridgeville DE
Bridgeville DE
The original post for picture(s) done on 2009-03-17 by E.W. Faircloth can be found at
Tags: I see it this way!
Dear Exxon Mobil, What part of renewable fuel don't you understand? -- ----------- ------------------------ While watching my favorite TV show, Lou Dobbs, on CNN I noticed Exxon Mobile commercial telling how they were more than just the gas station around the corner. They are suppose to be working on partnerships which will bring new energy sources to us. After a lot of mumbo jumbo and mathematical symbols to impress the viewer, the announcer ends with a statement touting their efforts to get hydrogen(that's good) from gasoline(that's bad). What? It seems the real partners they speak of are the lame auto makers in Detroit. It's not enough to just burn hydrogen in cars. That's only a start to the use of clean fuel. The energy source should also be renewable. Gasoline is not renewable, people. The people at Exxon remind me of the newspaper business. In face of new technology and reader habits, they thought they could continue doing business as they had always done. Here are a couple of tips for Exxon: Put you money in wind and solar. Also stop wasting money on commercials which make some of us think you're clueless about the need for future energy solutions. ---- General Motors introduced a new gasoline fuel processing system for fuel cell propulsion. The Gen III processor, packaged in a Chevrolet S-10 pickup, reforms "clean" gasoline onboard, extracting a stream of hydrogen to send to the fuel cell stack... -- source