Bridgeville DE
Bridgeville DE
The original post for picture(s) done on 2008-08-21 by E.W. Faircloth can be found at
Tags: I see it this way!
The News Journal, the newspaper out of Wilmington Delaware raised it's price to $.75 from 50 cents. That's a 50% price increase. I no longer buy that newspaper. Why? I would buy it for the headlines, comics and the Sudoku puzzle. It's the best newspaper in Delaware but not good enough for me to pay 75 cents. Now I buy the Delaware State News. It's not as attractive, or as newsworthy but I still get the headlines, comics and Sudoku, and it's only 50 cents. The Philadelphia Inquirer also raised it's price over the last 9 months to 75 cents. I no longer buy that paper either. Here's a hint to all the struggling newspapers: Now is not the time to raise the price of your paper. While I'm giving out advice: Stop laying people off it the newsrooms. So you're putting out a product which costs less to produce (fewer employees) and expect me to pay more for it? I don't think so!