Bridgeville DE
Bridgeville DE
The original post for picture(s) done on 2008-06-29 by E.W. Faircloth can be found at
Tags: I see it this way!
Photograph by Veronique Felix That's Margo and I doing a dance routine at a party given by the French Congregation of Salisbury MD. She and I worked on this routine for over 3 weeks. The song was a 5 minutes long salsa tune, of course. The finale had me spinning her like a top then executing a dip on the last note. The crowd loved it. We once had a salsa teacher named Sonya. I'll never forget what she once said about the guys role during a dance. That was "she's the picture and he's the frame". Sonya spent a lot of time showing the women dance styling along with dance steps. Oh yeah, I missed one of the patterns in our 5 minute routine. Margo and I just kept dancing, smiling and no one knew any different.