Photography by E.W. Faircloth

Bridgeville DE

E.W. Faircloth Photography


Bridgeville DE

The original post for picture(s) done on 2008-05-20 by E.W. Faircloth can be found at


Tags: I see it this way!

Paving company owner Al Parker said his business is suffering with the help of seasonal workers. Mr. Parker was speaking of his previous who obtained  H-2B  visas to legally work for him.  The article which appeared in The News Journal used Mr. Parker as an example of employers being hurt by the downsizing of the number of these visas issued this year. He spoke how they worked hard, were honest and quick learner. "I left $500 in the truck one day, in my visor, I didn't even know it was there, and this boy tapped me on the shoulder and handed it to me," he said. "I doubt an American worker would have don that: he would have stuck it in his pocket".  -- quote from newspaper article. What's wrong here? First, I'm certain that the person who returned Al his money was not a 12 year-old. To call that person a "boy" shows either a lack of respect for that person or a unintended racial slur.  Either way, I'm offended. Second, the person who returned his wallet is an American.  He's more American than Al.  His ancestors were here thousands of years before Al's forefathers, their descendants and their slaves. Mr. Parker meant well but as my mother used to say "it hurts just as much by accident as it does on purpose".