Bridgeville DE
Bridgeville DE
The original post for picture(s) done on 2008-01-24 by E.W. Faircloth can be found at
Tags: I see it this way!
Photographs by Elmeada Frias My mistake, those are the Vaughans not groupies. Pictures shows the Vaughan Family on a recent trip to Niagara Falls. The young man with a black hat is my son-in-law Ben. My daughter and his wife, Jamila, is next to him in a white jacket. Both of then have been to Niagara Falls in the past as children. Everybody had a good time. It's nice when families do things together. So, it's "official" now that they have sent me vacation pictures for my blog. I hereby offer proof to all within my blogshere( about 7 people, and growing:) ) that the Vaughans were indeed at the Falls. Hey, for me pictures are better than a tee-shirt! I've got a blog to feed. p.s. Muchas gracias por las fotografias, Elmeada. Ud. ha hecho bien.