Photography by E.W. Faircloth

Bridgeville DE

E.W. Faircloth Photography


Bridgeville DE

The original post for picture(s) done on 2008-01-05 by E.W. Faircloth can be found at


Tags: I see it this way!

Up front is Barbara Capaldi, dance instructor extraordinaire, giving her students a few words. Her advice during this lesson had to do with "common sense". Of course, only after everybody knows something is it common knowledge. She was telling the women about following a guy when he's putting her hand behind her back during a salsa move. It would be "common sense" for the guy not to force the move and injure her. She also told the women to always protect themselves from injury. A lot of guys will know a move and force the woman to execute the move even if she doesn't know it, with possible injury. This is why I love Barbara's classes. She is a great dancer, teacher, business person, and somebody who's just plain down-to-earth. I love salsa dancing and the move to Delaware put a cramp in my social life. Not is it great exercise but my classmates are a good bunch. Take for instance, Gus, the senior member above. That's Angel with the hat, Renee behind him, and Mary on the right in rear. Even though I had not attended class for at least a couple of months, I fell right in. I was able to learn the pattern Barbara taught easily. In class we make a big circle with partners(one male and one female). Every so often we switch partners. This way, each guy gets to dance with all the women. It also means every woman gets to dance with all the guys. This help to make you a better dancer and you get to pair with the good, bad and ugly dancers. In salsa, men get to lead. Maybe this is why I love salsa. My wife says I'm a control freak. Not true. Anyway, not only do the women need leaders but a good "leads". That is, someone with fun and enjoyable to dance with. That someone who dances with the beat and doesn't leave confused, bruised, and uninspired. You partner can tell how you did and if you were a good lead, without saying a word. If she can't wait to get to the next guy, you may want to practice a bit more. But today after months of no dancing, many of my partners today were all smiles our after turn in the circle :) Here's more about Barbara Capaldi's Atrium Dance Studio