Bridgeville DE
Bridgeville DE
The original post for picture(s) done on 2007-04-28 by E.W. Faircloth can be found at
Tags: I see it this way!
Elwood P. Smith, a retired photojournalist for the Philadelphia Daily News just had a birthday on 23rd on April 2007. He turned 88. This character worked at the newspaper until November of 2005. He was really afraid to retire. Now he loved every minute. He has only taken 4 pictures since retirement. Smitty, as he was known by all his friends, was in the Marines before he began his newspaper career. He's worn that belt for many, many years.  He couldn't run around like the younger ones at work but he still could shoot back page sports pictures when needed. He has a few faults as all of us, but definitely he has my respect.