Bridgeville DE
Bridgeville DE
The original post for picture(s) done on 2007-10-29 by E.W. Faircloth can be found at
Tags: I see it this way!
I don't know when this picture was taken. It was on a roll of black and white film inside an old Leica range-finder camera. Sometimes people will take a few years just to finish a roll of film. A few pictures are shot of an event. Then camera is set aside until the next important moment. When all the film is finally used, and only then, it is sent for processing. That's not the usual case with me however. I shot a few frames of the above trio and probably didn't value it visually. So the other day I decided to use a film camera for the fun of it. The camera I chose had a few frames left to shoot. Unknown to me was it contained B/W film. I shot a couple pictures of sign here in Bridgeville DE. I took film to Walmart for processing What a surprise to see the above trio taken some time ago. The picture now has value for me. It shows the trio in a house in which we no longer live. The picture on the wall now graces my bedroom in Bridgeville.