Bridgeville DE
Bridgeville DE
The original post for picture(s) done on 2007-10-20 by E.W. Faircloth can be found at
Tags: I see it this way!
Or The Best News Money Can Buy! I really think CNN wants to take FOX's place as the mouthpiece for right-wing conservatives and neo-cons. Miles O'Brien, CNN Chief Environment Correspondent, does a whole show on 9 points of contention against Al Gore's movie, " An Inconvenient Truth". One of those is where Gore says global warming is causing Mount Kilimanjaro's ice to melt. O'Brien says that's no proof because all mountains are loosing ice. Excuse me? Out of the 45 minutes I wasted watching broadcast, O'Brien did spent 30 seconds mentioning Gore's basic belief the planet is indeed warming can be supported by scientific evidence. These 30 seconds gives O'Brien the ability to say show was balanced. Shouldn't it have been 45 minutes saying Gore is right and 30 seconds pointing out his mistakes, exaggerations or deliberate falsehoods? So if Joe Q. Public watches the show and goes to the fridge for a "cold one", misses the 30 seconds of O'Brien's "balanced reporting" he just might think Al Gore was a liar and not worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize. Last week the United Nations International Panel on Climate Change released its fourth Summary for Policymakers, a publication representing the consensus view of hundreds of scientists from around the world. The experts found with “very high confidence†(meaning 90 percent certainty) that human activity is responsible for a substantial increase in greenhouse gases, and they warn that if left unchecked, these trends could have catastrophic ecological consequences within our lifetime. Similar reports have been issued by other expert bodies such as the National Academy of Sciences and the American Meteorological Society. --- taken online from Commentary Magazine Over the years I've come to a this conclusion: Why have a free press when most of the journalists are mere tools to be used by governments and corporations? That's not a question. Oh yeah, the main sponsor for the show was ConocoPhillips. I'd say the fox was in the hen house. ConocoPhillips (ConocoPhillips) is an international, integrated energy company. The Company’s business is organized into six segments. Exploration and Production segment primarily explores for, produces and markets crude oil, natural gas and natural gas liquids on a worldwide ... More information about COP »