Photography by E.W. Faircloth

Bridgeville DE

E.W. Faircloth Photography


Bridgeville DE

The original post for picture(s) done on 2007-09-24 by E.W. Faircloth can be found at


Tags: I see it this way!

I have to move to Delaware to see correctly applied traffic signs regarding a circle?  For years while living in New Jersey I was perplexed that navigating traffic circles was haphazard to say the least. I knew it didn't have to be that way. While stationed at Fort Dix, military base, I noted that all traffic had to yield to circle traffic.  Traffic flowed.  Once out of the army I found most of the traffic circles in Jersey bred chaos. Why? No yield signs.  So what New Jersey did was to remove most of the circles and replace them with traffic lights. This is the way they fixed the problem. What's wrong with this picture? In place of what could be smooth non stop traffic they now have breaks in the flow.  Breaks in the flow means slower traffic. Brilliant, this is simply brilliant. NOT! So the next time someone asks me "what's in Delaware"?  I answer "people smart enough to get around a traffic circle".