Photography by E.W. Faircloth

Bridgeville DE

E.W. Faircloth Photography


Bridgeville DE

The original post for picture(s) done on 2007-07-09 by E.W. Faircloth can be found at

air tank

Tags: I see it this way!

Some while ago, a friend of mine named Alex gave me a 5 gallon air tank. He told me a story about a guy he knew while growing up in Detroit. It seems the guy had really arrived because he had everything needed to repair his cars. This guy even had an air tank to refill his tires. At the time Alex told me this story, I said "OooooKay". The tank Alex gave me stayed in the original box until a few day ago. I needed it to refill the tires on my 1983 Nissan 280ZX. The car has been in the garage for at least 2 years. It runs fine but the clutch stopped working, so I can't move it. I need to get this vehicle back on the road as we're moving to Delaware in a few months. This isn't the first time Alex has given me a tool an auto mechanic uses. A couple of years ago he gave me a pneumatic jack. This jack is sweet. I've used it a couple of times for flats by Margo and Maya. Alex spends time thinking about gifts he gives. He's a good person. Oh yeah, as soon as the "Z" is back on the road I'll post a picture. It's Maya's car because I told her I'd give it to her. I remember Maya learning how to drive the "Z". She and I went out to learn to drive. Well, I can remember she was in tears because she wasn't getting the "right foot off gas, left foot on clutch" routine. We got through it however and today she drives a stick shift Honda. Jamila, while learning to drive the "Z", actually had me very upset. She didn't have any fear. FEAR is good when learning to drive.